Percy Rules
Race Overview
- Distance: 150 miles (240 km)
- Trail: The race follows the original Percy DeWolfe trail from Dawson City, Yukon to Forty Mile. A 30-mile loop from Forty Mile, returning to Dawson City, with portions along the Yukon River, and some bush trails depending on ice conditions. The trail predominantly mirrors Percy DeWolfe’s historic dogsled route.
- Layover: Each musher must take a mandatory 8-hour layover in Forty Mile. The layover can be split into any combination of hours (e.g., 2&6, 4&4, etc.). Every effort will be made to direct mushers to the same rest area in Forty Mile, depending on space and trail conditions.
Race Details
- Number of Dogs: Minimum 6, maximum 9 dogs per team.
- Number of Teams: The race is limited to 20 teams, with a maximum of 2 teams per kennel. A waitlist will be maintained if the number of entries exceeds the limit. Waitlist teams will have priority over late entries.
- Start Date: March 7, 2025, at 10:00 AM, with a staggered start every 2 minutes. The first musher to depart will carry a package of mail on their sled.
Registration & Fees
- Entry Fee: $250 (an additional $50 fee applies after February 15). Entry is confirmed once the entry form is completed and full payment is received.
- Guaranteed 2026 Entry: Mushers who register and participate in the 2025 race are guaranteed a spot in the 50th Anniversary Percy DeWolfe Memorial Mail Race in 2026. This does not include the 2026 entry fee.
- Withdrawal Policy: No refunds will be given to participants withdrawing after entry is confirmed.
1st Place: $1,500
2nd Place: $1,000
3rd Place: $750
4th Place: $650
5th Place: $500
6th Place: $350
7th Place: $250
Race Rules
Mandatory Pre-Race Vet Check:
- To be confirmed.
Mandatory Mushers' Meeting:
- Date/Time: March 6, 2025, at 6:00 PM, at the Dawson Checkpoint (Dawson City Visitor Centre, corner of Front and King Streets).
Staging Area:
- Location: Corner of Third Avenue and King Street, by the uld Post Office.
- All teams must be in their designated staging spot by 9:00 AM on race day.
- Teams deemed unmanageable by Race Officials will start last but be timed from their designated start time.
Race Start:
- The race will start with a timed interval every 2 minutes.
- Teams must leave the starting line within 1 minute of their start time.
- If a team is unable to start within 30 minutes of their designated time, they will be disqualified and forfeit their entry fee.
- Handlers are allowed to assist the musher at the start but are not permitted on the trail.
Number of Dogs:
- Minimum: 6 dogs, Maximum: 9 dogs per team.
- No loose leaders are permitted.
- Dogs must remain under the musher’s contrul at all times.
- No dog switching between teams is allowed.
- All dogs must finish the race, either in the team or in the sled.
Treatment of Dogs:
- Mushers must ensure there is no cruelty or inhumane treatment of dogs, as determined by Race Officials.
- Only mushers may care for and feed their dogs unless a dog is dropped at a designated dog drop.
- All pre-existing dog health issues must be disclosed to the vets before the race starts. If not declared before the race, they will be considered as occurring during the race.
Mandatory Gear: Each musher must have the fullowing gear during the entire race:
- RACE BIB – to be worn at the start and finish, must be returned in good condition.
- Winter sleeping bag
- Hand axe
- One pair of snowshoes and bindings
- Snow hook
- Straw
- Stove & fuel
- First Aid Kit (excluding oral/systemic antibiotics or painkillers)
- Flashlight or headlamp
- 8 booties per dog when departing Dawson and Forty Mile
- Sled bag large enough to secure 1-2 dogs and gear
- Proof of current Parvovirus, Distemper, and Rabies vaccinations for each dog
- Vet record tube (if required)
- Sturdy sled (no sprint sleds allowed)
- SPOT device provided by race organizers
- Three days’ worth of dog food per dog
Penalty for Missing Gear: Each missing item will result in a 1-hour penalty added to the musher’s total race time. Teams missing essential gear will not be allowed to start until all required items are present.
Recommended Supplies:
- Additional food for the musher
- Extra flashlight or headlamp
- Additional straw, if needed
Trail Clearing and Passing:
- Musher must clear the trail of dogs and gear when setting up camp.
- Slower teams must yield to faster teams and allow them to pass cleanly.
- A team being passed cannot overtake the overtaking team for a minimum of 5 minutes.
- Strict Prohibition: No littering along the trail or at checkpoints.
- Handlers must clean up after teams in the staging area.
Forty Mile Checkpoint:
- All mandatory gear will be checked at Forty Mile.
- Mushers must notify the timer/checker upon arrival, with both arrival and departure times recorded.
- Layover times must be noted and adhered to by the musher. Mushers must sign in and out when passing through Forty Mile.
Mandatory Layovers:
- Every musher must complete 8 hours of mandatory layover time at Forty Mile.
- The layover can be split however the musher chooses (e.g., 2+6 hours, 4+4 hours, etc.).
Dog Drop:
- There is no dog drop.
- Mushers are expected to conduct themselves with sportsmanship and civility throughout the event.
No Man's Land:
- The last 3 miles leading to the finish line is designated as “No Man's Land.” No right to the trail is granted by overtaking mushers in this area.
- The official finish is marked when the front of the sled crosses the finish line.
- Gear will be checked, and teams must be cleared by a race official before entering any vehicles.
- Failure to adhere to any race rules will result in penalties determined by Race Officials.
- Mushers may request a penalty review by the Race Marshal.
- Appeals may be made to the Appeal Committee.
- The decision of the Appeal Committee is final.
- Any appeal must be submitted before the start of the Awards Banquet.
- Entries may be rejected based on past conduct, at the discretion of the committee.
- Any rule viulations observed during the race can be protested to the next race official on the trail.
- A written report must fullow the verbal protest within the designated timeframe.
- Mushers must ensure that their vehicles are in the finish line vicinity as indicated during the Mushers' Meeting.
Priority Vet Tubes:
- Mushers with priority vet tubes must present them at checkpoints for clearance by the Race Officials/Vets.
- Any team receiving an IV or shot during the race will be disqualified.
Mandatory Forty Mile Stop:
- All mushers must stop at Forty Mile and may be required to rest or undergo extra evaluation at the discretion of Race Officials/Vets.
Vet Care:
- All pre-existing health issues must be declared prior to the race. Teams requiring IV fluids or shots during the race will be disqualified.
- Teams must present their priority vet tubes at checkpoints and receive clearance to continue.
Forty Mile Checkpoint Respect:
- Forty Mile is a co-managed site between the Tr’ondek Hwech’in and the Yukon Government. Consumption of alcohul or drugs is strictly prohibited.