Percy Jr. Rules
Race Overview
- Distance: 100 miles (160 km)
- Trail: Dawson City, Yukon to Forty Mile, and return to Dawson, following the Yukon River, with some bush trails depending on ice conditions. The race follows most of Percy DeWolfe's original dogsled trail.
- Layover: Mushers are required to take a mandatory six-hour layover at Forty Mile. The race organizers will do their best to assign a consistent rest spot in Forty Mile, space and trail conditions permitting.
- Please bring stove fuel and straw.
Race Details
- Number of Dogs: Minimum of six dogs, maximum of nine dogs.
- Number of Teams: Limited to twenty teams, with a maximum of two teams per kennel. The race entry is determined by registration order. If the total number of teams exceeds twenty, a waitlist will be maintained. Waitlisted teams will have priority over late entries.
- Start Date: March 7 at 3:00 PM, mass start from the Ice Bridge.
Registration and Entry Fee
- Entry Fee: $150.
- A late fee of $50 applies after February 15.
- Entry is confirmed upon completion of the entry form and payment in full.
- Withdrawal Policy: No refunds will be issued if a participant withdraws after their entry is confirmed.
- Substitutions: Mushers may be substituted, with the approval of the Race Marshal, up to and including the start of the mushers’ meeting.
- Guaranteed Entry for 2026: Mushers who race the Percy Jr. in 2025 will have a guaranteed spot in the 50th Anniversary Percy DeWolfe Memorial Mail Race (2026), but this does not cover the entry fee for 2026.
Sponsor prizes will be awarded.
Race Rules
- Mandatory Pre-Race Vet Check: Details to be confirmed.
Mandatory Mushers' Meeting:
- Date: March 6 at 6:00 PM, held at the Dawson City Visitor Centre (corner of Front and King Streets).
- The door will be locked once the meeting begins.
- Staging Area: Teams must be in their designated staging spot by 2:00 PM on race day, located on the Ice Bridge.
Race Start:
- The Percy Jr. race will be a mass start event.
- All teams will be timed from the time the start flag drops, regardless of the time they actually leave.
- Teams deemed by race officials to be unmanageable at the start may be penalized at the official's discretion.
- Handlers: Handlers are permitted to assist with preparations and may ride to the start line.
Number of Dogs:
- Teams must have a minimum of six dogs and a maximum of nine dogs.
- No loose leaders.
- Dogs must be controlled at all times, and no switching of dogs between mushers is allowed.
- All dogs must finish the race, either in the team or in the sled.
Treatment of Dogs:
- No cruel or inhumane treatment of dogs will be tolerated, as determined by the Race Officials.
- Only mushers may assist each other during the race.
- Outside assistance is prohibited, except in declared emergencies.
- Any pre-existing dog health issues must be declared to the vet before the race starts.
- Teams may not proceed unless cleared by the Race Vet or Official.
Mandatory Gear:
Mushers must have the following items on hand during the entire race:
- Race bib (worn at start and finish, returned in good condition)
- Winter sleeping bag
- Hand axe
- One pair of snowshoes and bindings
- Snow hook
- Straw
- Stove & fuel
- First Aid Kit (no oral/systemic antibiotics or painkillers)
- Flashlight or headlamp
- At least 8 booties per dog
- Sled bag large enough to securely cover at least one or two dogs and gear
- Proof of current Parvovirus, Distemper, and Rabies vaccinations for each dog
- Vet record tube (if required)
- Sturdy mid- or long-distance sled (sprint sleds are not allowed)
- SPOT device (supplied by race organization)
- Sufficient dog food (three days’ worth per dog)
Penalty: One hour will be added to the musher's total running time for any missing item. Missing items will result in disqualification until they are provided.
Recommended Supplies:
- Extra food for the musher.
- Secondary flashlight or headlamp.
- Extra straw if needed.
Clearing Trail and Passing:
- Mushers must clear the trail of dogs and gear if setting up camp.
- Slower teams must yield to faster teams and allow enough time for overtaking teams to pass.
- A team being passed cannot pass the overtaking team for a minimum of five minutes.
- Absolutely no littering anywhere along the trail or at checkpoints.
- Handlers must clean up after teams in the staging area.
Forty Mile Checkpoint:
- Mushers will notify the timer/checker upon arrival at Forty Mile.
- They will be required to sign in and out of Forty Mile.
- Gear will be checked at Forty Mile, and teams must stay at the checkpoint area until clearance is provided.
Mandatory Layovers:
- A mandatory six-hour rest must be taken in Forty Mile.
- Mushers must inform checkpoint officials of their layover plans and notify them of any changes during their rest.
- Dog Drop: There is no dog drop.
- Sportsmanship: All mushers must maintain a civil and sportsmanlike demeanor throughout the event.
- No Man's Land: The area between Moosehide Village (approximately the last three miles) and the finish line is considered "No Man's Land," where passing requests are not mandatory.
- The finish is officially marked when the front of the sled crosses the finish line.
- Teams will be checked for gear, and clearance is required before entering any vehicle.
- Failure to adhere to the rules may result in penalties determined by Race Officials.
- A musher may request a penalty review by the Race Marshal.
- Appeals may be made to the Appeal Committee.
- The Appeal Committee’s decision is final.
- Any appeal must be submitted before the start of the Awards Banquet.
- Censure: The Race Committee reserves the right to reject entries due to past conduct.
- Infractions may be verbally protested to the next official.
- A written report must be submitted within the time frame specified by the Race Official.
- If a musher has a vehicle, it must be located near the finish line, as indicated during the Mushers' Meeting.
- Priority Vet Tube: Mushers with a priority vet tube must present it at checkpoints.
Mandatory Forty Mile Stop:
- All mushers must stop in Forty Mile and may be required to take additional rest at the discretion of Race Officials and Vets.
Vet Care:
- Any pre-existing dog health issues must be declared at the Pre-Race Vet Check.
- Teams with IV fluids or shots administered during the race will be disqualified.
- Teams must receive clearance from a Race Official before proceeding.
Forty Mile Checkpoint Regulations:
- Forty Mile is a co-managed site by the Tr’ondek Hwech’in and Yukon Government.
- Consumption of alcohol and drugs is strictly prohibited as a sign of respect for the land.