Percy Skijor

Race Overview

  • Distance: 40 miles (64 km)
  • Trail: Down to the Chandindu River and back to Dawson City
  • Warm-up tent available at the turning point.

Race Details

  • Number of Dogs: Maximum four, minimum two.
  • Number of Teams: The race will be limited to a maximum of twenty teams (maximum two teams per kennel) based on sign-up order. Should the number of teams exceed twenty, a waitlist will be maintained. Waitlist teams have priority over late entries.
  • Start: 3:30 am, mass start.

Registration and Entry Fee

  • Entry Fee: $50. After February 15th, an extra $25.
  • Entry will not be guaranteed until the entry form is complete and the entry fee has been paid in full.
  • With the approval of the Race Marshall, mushers may be substituted up to and including the start of the mushers’ meeting.
  • Withdrawal Policy: If a participant wishes to withdraw from the race after entry is confirmed and before the event, no refunds will be issued.


Sponsor prizes will be awarded.

Race Rules

  1. Mandatory Pre-Race Vet Check: To be confirmed.
  2. Mandatory Mushers' Meeting:
    • The meeting will take place at 6:00 PM at the Dawson Checkpoint, located at the Dawson City Visitor Centre (corner of Front Street and King Street).
  3. Staging Area:
    • Located at the ice bridge on town side.
    • All teams must be in the designated staging spot no later than 3:00 PM.
    • Teams unable to start within 30 minutes of their designated time will be disqualified.
  4. Race Start:
    • Mass start at 3:30 PM
  5. Handlers:
    • Handlers are allowed to assist at the start.
  6. Number of Dogs:
    • Minimum: one or two, Maximum: four dogs.
    • No loose leaders are permitted.
    • Dogs must remain in the skijorer’s control at all times.
    • No dog switching is allowed.
  7. Treatment of Dogs:
    • There shall be no cruel or inhumane treatment of dogs, as determined by Race Officials.
    • Mushers are solely responsible for dog care and feeding.
    • Any pre-existing dog health issues must be declared before the race. Failure to do so will result in penalties.
  8. Mandatory Gear: All skijorers must carry:
    • RACE BIB (to be worn at the start and finish)
    • Flashlight or headlamp
    • At least six booties per dog
    • Proof of current Parvovirus, Distemper, and Rabies vaccinations for each dog
    • SPOT device (provided by race organization)

    Penalty: One hour per missing item added to the skijorer’s total running time. Missing essential items will prevent race start.

  9. Trail Clearing and Passing:
    • Slower teams must yield to faster ones.
    • A musher being passed must control their dogs to allow for a clean pass and cannot repass for at least five minutes.
  10. Littering:
    • No littering on the trail or at checkpoints.
    • Handlers must clean up after teams in the staging area
  11. Warming Tent:
    • Available at Chandindu.
    • All gear, dogs, sleds, and skijorer must remain in the checkpoint area at all times.
  12. Sportsmanship:
    • Mushers must conduct themselves with civility and sportsmanship throughout the event.
  13. No Man's Land:
    • The last three miles to the finish line is designated as “No Man's Land.” Overtaking skijorers do not have the right to request trail in this section.
  14. Finish:
    • Official finish is determined when the front of the skis or dog crosses the finish line.
    • Gear checks will follow.
  15. Penalties:
    • Violations of rules will result in penalties as determined by Race Officials.